Pushups and chattaranga have totally transformed my arms! What's your fitness hack? Meanwhile, happy St. Paddy's month: Skip the drive-through and make this healthy, vegan shamrock shake at home.
At Starbucks, reusables can now be filled at drive-throughs — as well as at the counter. (So why do so many people still sit at tables with to-go cups?) Do you have old LEGOs lying around? I love this nonprofit that accepts used bricks, then recycles and distributes them to kids — founded by a LEGO-loving teen. Still toting my reusables to the airport, but glad to know that Delta is eliminating plastic, too. Did you know you can make plastic-free glitter with salt?
Talk about slow fashion: This woman took three years to grow, dye, weave, and sew one pair of jeans as an “active rebellion against fast fashion.” When it comes to sustainable materials, the gap between supply and demand is narrowing. As textiles Extended Producer Responsibility — or EPR — laws gain traction around the world, collection and recycling rates have increased. And, anti-consumption is trending on TikTok — putting fashion on notice.
Today, the sticker’s nearly the same — but electric cars don't cost nearly as much to operate. In the U.S., Biden pauses approvals for LNG exports, reassessing climate and economic impacts. Let’s do this: Gold stars on bins in New Zealand boost recycling rates to 80%. One California city’s $11m investment in trees and parks increased local revenue by $280m — and it only took eight months.
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